Regulatory Information 

Speir Buchan Solicitors (“Speir Buchan”) is the trading name of Speir Buchan Limited under Company Number SC790143 with their registered office at 65 Bath Street, Suite 3/5, Glasgow G2 2BX. We are VAT registered Number: 455 3470 87. Speir Buchan Limited is a legal practice subject to licence and regulation by the Law Society of Scotland ( A list of the Directors is available upon written request. Enquiries can be directed to Speir Buchan maintains professional indemnity insurance cover through Lockton legal insurer.

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We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. If you are unhappy or concerned about any aspect of our service or conduct, and would like to make a complaint, you can refer the complaint to our Client Relations Partner, Kamran Ellahi by emailing or writing to him at Mr. Kamran Ellahi, 65 Bath Street, Suite 3/5 Glasgow G2 2BX Scotland, UK. We ask all complaints be set out to us in writing.

To assist us in investigating your complaint please provide full details of your complaint including, where possible, the person(s) complained about, the nature of your complaint and any documents which you consider relevant to your complaint. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and will provide you with a substantive response within 28 days of receipt of your complaint. If we are unable to respond within 28 days of receipt of your complaint we will advise you of this as soon as possible and explain why it has not been possible to respond within that timescale.

If you are still dissatisfied, you may be entitled to refer the complaint to a relevant Regulator which is the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (“SLCC”). The SLCC is unable to consider a complaint until the firm has been able to make reasonable attempts to resolve the issues. If the SLCC is satisfied that the firm’s proposals for resolving a complaint are reasonable, it may decline to investigate the matter further.

You can contact the SLCC in writing at Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, Capital Building, 12-13 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AF; by telephone on 0131 201 2130; or by email at Their website can provide further information There are time limits which may impact a complaint being made to the SLCC and we recommend you consult their website for further details.

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